

Came back with a cute skirt and a great idea for a short story...had my cards read...and was told to be careful for what I wish for, because I was going to get it...Well, it's a good thing I bought a new skirt because when my novel because an Oprah Book Club - must read at least I'll have something "cool" to wear on the show.

I Did It...

Something Racy....


On July 3, 2007 - I posted the following message at yahoo group writerwarriors *** I'm in for Sept...just when I think I'm getting back to the swing of it...I can't remember where I put the swing... After 27 years working for a utility company...I'm quiting and going to work for a an Admin Assist., Some people have a mid-life crisis and get a sports car, spouse/boyfriend...not me I get a new job...Dang....I'm so boring.... My goal is to do something racy by Sept., so I'll have something to tell..MY 81 year old neighbor hoped on the back of a Harley and went for a ride on her birthday.... **** I realize that I'm almost out of time to do something racy....I'm trying to decided if drinking a beer alone - quailifies as racy....

Missing You...

Bridget stopped by with laundry... at least Ruth was see the dirty clothes.