

 I went on the haunted pub crawl while waiting To hear from The Wild Rose Press. Hopefully the news is better than the ghost  stories…


 When you don’t feel like writing anymore - Do you just try to power through putting random words on the page or shut the laptop and call it a day. Today, I switched my projects and went from my short story to a blog…but with 30 minutes left of writing time and guilt beginning to pile up…I need to get back to my story.   When I don’t know exactly where the story is going I get anxious. I want everything to fit together and I don’t want the characters to suffer.  Instead of placing the characters up a tree and throwing rocks at them…I want to make them happy and remove all the obstacles and stumbling blocks from their path. This attitude does not serve my goal or write and submit. Wish me luck at being mean to Clay and Mel.  

The Write Goal

Normally, my goal would be a daily word count, to be published or hit a best seller list. But for 2023 my goal is to write, submit and repeat. I had a teacher tell me writing is 10% talent and 90% perseverance. For the first time in over six years I won’t be sleeping with wheels under my bed. We have rented an apartment in Wilmington for the next 13 months and the view is inspiring.

I thought…

 32 years ago, I thought I would have money when… I didn’t need to buy formula…then it was diapers…I thought for sure when I no longer had daycare expenses…. And lately, I have been thinking when Covid is over… First time at a campground in 5 months…. And while we slept, thieves went through vehicles and the only thing they took were weapons and money…luckily we had neither. But another camper told me they got his loaded pistol, other lost weapons, money, cellphones… And then we went and got fuel, $4.37 a gallon…2 days later, the same station was $4.99 a gallon.