

Came back with a cute skirt and a great idea for a short story...had my cards read...and was told to be careful for what I wish for, because I was going to get it...Well, it's a good thing I bought a new skirt because when my novel because an Oprah Book Club - must read at least I'll have something "cool" to wear on the show.

I Did It...

Something Racy....


On July 3, 2007 - I posted the following message at yahoo group writerwarriors *** I'm in for Sept...just when I think I'm getting back to the swing of it...I can't remember where I put the swing... After 27 years working for a utility company...I'm quiting and going to work for a an Admin Assist., Some people have a mid-life crisis and get a sports car, spouse/boyfriend...not me I get a new job...Dang....I'm so boring.... My goal is to do something racy by Sept., so I'll have something to tell..MY 81 year old neighbor hoped on the back of a Harley and went for a ride on her birthday.... **** I realize that I'm almost out of time to do something racy....I'm trying to decided if drinking a beer alone - quailifies as racy....

Missing You...

Bridget stopped by with laundry... at least Ruth was see the dirty clothes.

Dog Days....

Ruth's best friend went away to college...

My Daughter Asked for my Recipe...

I'm not much of a cook, so imagine my surprise when my daughter called and asked for one of my recipes. It gets better, her dad wanted to know... "Mom, what's the recipe for that stuff you use to clean my car battery last night?" she asked. "Baking soda and water," I replied the wind going out of my sails...

Hard Day On The Farm

Review: Hard Day On The Farm By guest reviewer: Michelle Oberlander Hard Day On the Farm by Christine ColumbusWhen Molly Moved to the country, her new neighbor, George, made learning to drive the tractor a memorable experience. And that was just one aspect of farm life Molly found enjoyable.This is one story included in the Rose Petals II anthology. Available in print and eBook formats.Who knew tractors could be so sexy? Well, maybe not the tractors themselves, but like Ferrari's or Mustangs, they sure can offer an intro into a unique romantic interlude. Think I'm kidding? I kid you not. A Hard Day On The Farm takes us to the little farming community of Edgewater where we get to meet Molly and George. Molly has high hopes for George but George isn't cooperating and she is getting antsy. Thoughts of George are coloring most aspects of her imagination which the author shares with us so we understand what drives Molly to plotting and scheming to get her way. I get the sense