
You're never too old...

T o Trick or Treat Gwen, Sandra, Ruthie and I went out Trick or Treating...for the Troops. The Elks Club has an adopt a platoon program and we thought it would be fun to go door to door Trick or Treating... It was a Blast..

Something New....

Besides having a Releast Date of December 12th for Christmas Mischief.... I went to a Singles Dance.... ... Saturday night with Mary and her friend Sally from Buffalo. I don’t dance, so I came prepared not to dance in jean, t-shirt and rubber soled clogs. So, I’m sitting at a table with my friends, enjoying the music and watching everyone else dance. A guy comes over to the table, “Would you like to dance East Coast Swing?” “I don’t know how to dance.” He reaches out his hand, “I’ll teach you.” We dance (and I use that term loosely) in front of the band. I can’t hear a word he’s saying – so I smile and nod. Toward the end of the song he moves closer to me and I hear, “Have you ever been bit?” My heart is pounding and I thought I was nervous before. What a weirdo. Will my friends hear me if I scream. Is there a full moon? Does he think he’s a vampire? I take a deep breath and smile as my rational mind takes hold. –he must have meant bitten by the dancing bug. He holds me tight


Came back with a cute skirt and a great idea for a short story...had my cards read...and was told to be careful for what I wish for, because I was going to get it...Well, it's a good thing I bought a new skirt because when my novel because an Oprah Book Club - must read at least I'll have something "cool" to wear on the show.

I Did It...

Something Racy....


On July 3, 2007 - I posted the following message at yahoo group writerwarriors *** I'm in for Sept...just when I think I'm getting back to the swing of it...I can't remember where I put the swing... After 27 years working for a utility company...I'm quiting and going to work for a an Admin Assist., Some people have a mid-life crisis and get a sports car, spouse/boyfriend...not me I get a new job...Dang....I'm so boring.... My goal is to do something racy by Sept., so I'll have something to tell..MY 81 year old neighbor hoped on the back of a Harley and went for a ride on her birthday.... **** I realize that I'm almost out of time to do something racy....I'm trying to decided if drinking a beer alone - quailifies as racy....

Missing You...

Bridget stopped by with laundry... at least Ruth was see the dirty clothes.

Dog Days....

Ruth's best friend went away to college...