
Still sitting in bleachers and still laughing...

My son's lacrosse game in Ames, IA...shivering and cold, but still having fun... Bridget received The Military Oder of the World Wars award - still sitting in the bleachers... Bridget and her Dad and I - still laughing... Somethings never change...

Dang it's been a while

I’ve been working hard on The Perfect Country and Western Story … and I’m having a ball. Turns out muscles do have memory… For the past two years I spent the spring cleaning my house for high school graduation parties… this year with both kids in college the weather turned nice on Saturday and my body went to work cleaning house, washing windows, shampooing carpet, raking, uncovering flower beds… makes me want to have a party anyways. Got to love mid life crisis… Thursday I turn 49 – last year quit my job after 27 years. This year – already started a new job after 6 months at the old one and I’m signed up for motorcycle classes… Doesn’t get much better then this…

Protagonist or Antagonist


A Great Review

Score (1-5) Hearts: 5 Ms. Columbus writes with such humor. I was cracking up with Charlie’s innocent antics and feeling so sorry for Amber not having the easiest of times trying to get to Grandma’s house. I love Ms. Columbus’ writing style and I look forward to reading more stories from her. You will not be disappointed if you pick this one up for yourself. For the complete Review....check out the link below

I've been interviewed....

Could you please start by telling us a little about yourself? Hello Carol Ann, I’ve been writing all my life… 336 dog years and writing for The Wild Rose Press for a little over a human year. This year I’ve become an Empty Nester…both my children are in college and I’ve decided to have a mid-life adventure. For years my children choose my friends for me, I spent my evening chatting with their school mates parents or cheering next to their teammate’s parents. One of my adventures as an MT Nester involved going to a singles dance…even though I don’t dance. There I was at a big ballroom dance in jean, t-shirt and rubber soled clogs sitting at a table with ex co-workers enjoying the music and watching everyone else dance. A man approaches me, “Would you like to dance East Coast Swing?” Shrugging my shoulders, “I don’t know how to dance.” He reaches out his hand, “I’ll teach you.” We dance (and I use that term loosely) in front of the band. I can’t hear a word he’s saying – so I smile and n

Sweeter Romantic Notions

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My friend and fellow author, Carol Ann Erhardt tagged me for a game of tell-us-stuff-we-didn't-know... The rules are: List seven things about yourself Link to the person who tagged you (see above) I’ve been tagged. Impossible, I was always the one who never got caught. Must be getting old and slow… Here we go… 1. I might have had a mid life crisis (so, I’ll live to be 96) a) changed jobs after 27 years b) changed boyfriend after 10 years c) bought a dog 2. Blood type is B + and the blood bank loves me and it’s best to make an appointment on Monday’s because they get a fresh shipment of cookies. 3. Got a contract for my first novel “The Perfect Country and Western Story” 4. Became an Empty Nester. Both my kids are in college. 5. Took a Hoola Hoop class. 6. Took Swing dance lessons. 7. Have yet to be dipped. www.s