
30 years ago

Thirty years ago my high school sweetheart said, “Promise me you’ll always write under your name.” “Sure, but why?” I stared into his Wiley Coyote eyes. Stop by http:// To find out why and for a chance to win a 3 pack of short stories (pdf) - Uncle Mike's Love, Coffee and Love To Go and Happy Meal. Here's the link:

Do you know the answer...

… people should ____________________ as many times as they can… Hint… Stop by www. And read the interview with Christine Columbus

After Reading many posts – about Book Signings…

I have come up with a list of advice… (of course feel free to correct or add to the list) Prior to signing check out the store … do they have any posters or fliers announcing the event… Let the local paper know you’ll be signing books, maybe they have someone that wants to come to the event take a picture … do an interview… On the big day arrive 15 to 20 minutes early… bring a camera (to snap your picture with the manager) – bring small token of appreciation… flowers, chocolate… Dress in layers in case you end up freezing… Be approachable… I guess that’s where taking off the layers would come into play… Bring friends…and give aways…or give away your friends… Potential customers are always shyer that the author… So try to make them feel comfortable… Smile… (imagine everyone with their clothes off – until you start laughing – than redress the customers in layers) Have friends, family acquaintance stop by and fondle and gu

2/27 Writers Helping Writers - EGG - Cerpt

Mating Rituals from Amira Press ISBN: 978-1-935348-58-0 Genres: Fantasy Romance Cover Artist: Mira Romano Book Length: Novel Heat Level: Spicy Word Count: 82,800 Blurb- With rock-hard fortitude, Marohka Taunton battles to maintain her position as top mineralogist and refuses to see why she should marry even if the law requires she take a mate. Fighting her attraction for Stihl Fermesium, she struggles to save her father’s company. Stihl, determined to win her as his mate, is faced with the commission deal of a lifetime and needs the money to save his family land. He wrestles with her emotional resistance and discovers someone other than Marohka is unhappy about their union. In fact, they want to separate them in the most basic of ways, death. Excerpt- Staring straight ahead, Marohka Taunton avoided eye contact with every man she passed. Moving along the edge of the dance floor, she wove her way back and forth across the assigned path. Her steps, jerky and clumsy, sh

Early Bird Relase....

I am so excited.... I can't wait to hold my paperback... Alexandra has the Stetson hat, now all she needs is the cowboy. But with three days and over 50,000 faces to search, will she be able to find the man who stole her heart? Ben still can’t believe he was foolish enough to let the beautiful thief walk away with his autographed cowboy hat. If the heartbreaker dares to show up at Country Time again this year, he’ll not only be looking to get his hat back, but aiming for a little payback as well. The Perfect Country and Western Story (paperback) by Christine Columbus Retail Price: $11.99


Drop on by and say, "Hi." 01/22/10 Interviewed by Ana, stop by Heroines With Hearts The month of January is Cowboy Lovin Stop by the The Cozy Page I'll be there January 28th - and I'll be talking more about Visioning and how visioning helps me write. Visions... about 3 years ago I was down in South Padre Island with my sister and we went into Karens Custom Toe Rings.... and I knew I wanted one, but was running short on money... So, I decided when I turned 50 I was going to have a toe ring. This year my daughter was on South Padre Island for New Year's Eve... and guess what she brought back for me....

Last year it was Hot glühwein

Last year it was Hot glühwein at the Christmas Markets in Germany . This year it will have to be mulled wine in Minnesota … Mulling Spice Mix The recipe makes 14 spice bags. If you are giving as a gift, be sure to include the recipe instructions. Prep Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 14 double-layer cheesecloth 5-inch squares 14 (10-inch) lengths of white string 3 ounces whole cinnamon sticks 6 whole nutmegs (1 ounce) 1/3 cup chopped dried orange peel 1/3 cup chopped dried lemon peel 1/4 cup allspice berries 1/4 cup whole cloves 2 Tablespoons finely chopped, crystallized ginger (1 ounce) Preparation: Place cinnamon sticks and nutmegs into a heavy freezer bag. Smash into small pieces with a mallet or heavy pan. In a bowl place orange peel, lemon peels, allspice, cloves, and ginger. Stir in small pieces from freezer bag. Place equal amounts of the mix on the center of each cheesecloth square. Secure with string. For gifts remember to