
Night Owl Review Top Pick

Night Owl Review Top Pick Trust Your Heart – TWRP Melinda said, “This is one that will enchant you. I loved that Michelle was an average middle-aged woman who has dealt with divorce and betrayal yet still is strong throughout the whole ordeal. This book definitely keeps your attention and I enjoyed the suspense of waiting to find out who gets Michelle’s heart…the new guy or the old guy. Loved it. “ Christine Columbus Web Site Tootin’ Cowboys Ingredients • 2 cups uncooked wagon wheel pasta • 1 (15 ounce) can chili with beans • 1 can black beans, rinsed • 1 small can of corn, drained • 1 can tomato soup • Shredded Cheddar cheese Directions Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, combine the chili, tomato soup, rinsed black beans, and drained corn. Mix well; heat through. Drain and rinse pasta; stir into chili. Garnish with cheese if desired.

I Can Do That

On Saturday, I spoke about the Journey of The Perfect Country and Western Story from an idea to the novel. The audience was fellow authors at Midwest Fiction. One of the things that I surprised me – besides how long an hour can be when you are standing in front of a crowd. “I Can Do That…” I was explaining that my diverse publishing credits come from my “I Can Do That…” If I’m at a Craft Fair and I see something I like – instead of purchasing the item, I always think or say…I could make that. When I see a posting and someone is looking for Flash Fiction, Poetry, Prose, Romance or Children story. My first reaction is…I Could Write That… and I generally do… My Latest – I Can Do That… my daughter wanted a Snuggle Blanket… and of course I didn’t buy one… Because I Can Make One – Can’t be too hard.

Stop By

Image Stop by Anne Marie Novark – Just Write! – I am the March 10 Spotlight Author…. Stop by and say, “Hi.”

The Perfect Country And Western Story GREAT READ!, 5 out 5 Stars

GREAT READ! , March 7, 2010 *** Posted On Amazon*** "Stacy Dawn" Canada What a great read! Along with a wonderfully romantic story, there was a fun, underlying use of song references...and I don't just mean by title. I highly recommend this book to any romance lover...or country music lover for that matter!

Six Pack

Stop by on Saturday March 6 th – leave a comment and have a chance to win a Six Pack… …A Six Pack of Short Stories: First Class Male, Drama Queen, Coffee And Love To Go, Hard Day On The Farm, Happy Meal and Christmas Mischief.

Brian Storming Process....

What is your brainstorming process for a new book? You know how there are people who sing in the shower... Writers-on-writing at

5 Diamonds

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 The Perfect Country and Western Story by Christine Columbus T Rating: 5 Diamonds Heat Level: Sensual Reviewer: Starla Kaye Date: 2-18-09 Alexandra found the love of her life at a music fest a year ago and lost him the same day. A family tragedy tore her away from the event while he’d gone to bring friends back to meet her. Leaving so unexpectedly, she took with her a Stetson autographed by Toby Keith that he’d temporarily had her hold. Guilt has weighed heavily on her as much as her longing to see him again at this year’s event. If he comes…if she can find him in a crowd of 50,000…if he’ll forgive her for leaving with his prized hat. So many ifs. Ben thought he’d found ‘The One’ a year ago, but evidently he’d been wrong. He’d left her alone for a few minutes at the fest and when he’d returned, she was gone, along with a prized hat he’d intended to give to his disabled younger brother. And he hadn’t even gotten her name. All he could hope for was that she’d