Amazon Author Page

 Last night after meeting with a few Wilmington, NC writers. I set a goal of creating my author page on Amazon.

My Bio:

Eighteen years ago, while living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and waiting for my ship to come in. I published several short stories and a novel with The Wild Rose Press. 

After that, I took an Adult Gap Year from lasted thirteen years. 

In 2024, I signed a contract with The Wild Rose Press for my sweetheart romance novel, “Chance Meeting,” and have self-published two children’s stories.  

I am excited to be back writing.

This morning on our 5 mile walk - what did we see?

My ship has come in…

Even though you're a leader - you can follow me on Amazon: 
Good Reads: 


The Edgeclinger said…
I love it when people get so busy traveling, writing and living that they lose track of where they're from, where they are, and where they've been. And I'm glad that you've landed (for now) in my town.

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