
Candy Trivia

Candy Trivia In 1998, a warehouse worker in the UK was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing more than 300 tons of what candy bar? Snickers, Three Musketeers, Mars Bars, Butterfinger Hint 1.76 ounces is 233 calories.... Mars Bar In 1998, Martin Keys, a former shift manager at an Oxfordshire warehouse, was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing eight lorry loads of Mars bars, worth approximately £70,000 each. Keys attempted to use his knowledge of the warehouse computer system to cover up the thefts. The stolen candy was said to have weighed more than 300 tons! And for those who are wondering about the symptoms of anal glaucoma.... It's when you dial up the boss and say..."I'm afraid I won't be able to come into work today." Of course the boss asks, "What's the matter?" "I have a case of anal glaucoma," you say in a weak, nasal voice just a little bit louder than a whisper. "What the hell is anal glaucoma?"

The Perfect Country and Western Story...

I am the guest blogger at The Word Place on Monday, October 19. ... Stop by for a visit and find out why I believe I have written the perfect country and western story. www.

Candy Trivia

What candy bar made its debut in 1912 as a premium 5-cent candy bar, and was met with much success… hint the candy contains a creamy maple center covered with real milk chocolate and fresh unsalted Virginia peanuts. <> <> <> <>

My First Review

On Sunday, October 11, 2009 rated Trust Your Heart by Christine Columbus – Lifetime Keeper to be read and reread. Review: WOW!!!! I am not sure if I have ever wanted to slap so many secondary characters in my life! Ms Columbus, you have done such a fabulous job creating the emotions for this story that I wanted to jump into the pages and wring the necks of a couple of the nasty people who were total jerks to Michelle. Both main characters were so wonderful. Emotion ran rampant and more than once I experienced the emotion right along with them. When I read a story that can do that, I am at a loss for words. The beginning, middle and end left me a very satisfied reader. *Snaps* for a job well done and a toast for more to come from this talented author :) Publisher: The Wild Rose Press Blurb: Michelle, a divorced mother of two preschool children living in a Minneapolis suburb, maintains her subscription to her hometown newspaper. So when she bumps into child

Tootin Cowboys?

In Minnesota we say, “Hot Dish.” Which is what we call baked casseroles – You Know… It’s like “Pop” for Soda… Or “Winnner” that season that last six months long and every conversation starts with “Shur is cold out…” If you’d the recipe for Tootin Cowboys check out How to make Tootin Cowboys

Candy Trivia….

25 calories a piece and made from peanut butter and molasses What Halloween Candy am I? Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses….come in orange and black wax wrappers and have been around since 1884.

Candy Corn

Candy Trivia…. 20 million pounds of Candy Corn is sold each year – if the kernels were laid end to end, they would circle the Earth 4.5 times. Candy Corn is made from sugar, corn syrup and honey… ...CANDY CORN BARK.... INGREDIENTS 16 sandwich cookies, chopped 1 1/2 cups broken small pretzels 1/3 cup raisins or 1/3 cup chopped nuts 1 1/2 pounds white chocolate, broken into squares 2 cups candy corn orange and brown sprinkles DIRECTIONS Spread the cookies, pretzels and raisins evenly onto a lightly greased small baking sheet. Melt chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, or in the microwave, stirring frequently until melted. Remove from the heat while there are still a few chunks, and stir until smooth. White chocolate burns easily. Drizzle chocolate with a spoon over the goodies in the pan, spreading the top flat to coat evenly. Top with candy corn and sprinkles. Let cool until firm. Break into pieces and store in an airtight container.