Can you believe this review

Good morning Chris,
I wanted to thank you for authoring “Uncle Mike’s Love”. I finished the story last night and was pleasantly surprised! I never knew that there were still hopeless romantics out there like me. I loved the book! This is my style of story. I could see this short story turning into a much longer book and I would be the first in line to buy it! There still is romance in this world. I want to know more about Mike’s background and why did Patty’s marriage dissolve. Was she pinning over Mike all those years and could not fully give herself to her husband. Was Mike’s drug problem because he left Patty heart broken to pursue his own interests? There are many unanswered questions!

Thank you so much, I really enjoyed it and hope that you keep writing stories like this one. I am looking forward to reading the other stories! And I will be the first to purchase your novel!

Keep writing, there is a need for books like yours!

An Anonymous Hopeless Romantic!
