Comments on Uncle Mike's Love....

I read your story last night before I went to bed…. in my estimation this was the best one yet.

The characters seemed so familiar and I could visualize the places like "Millies Cafe" on 42nd where I would go after high school for french fries for a quarter.

The neighbors Ella and Orin - and old lady Carlson.

I especially like the little things like the kids way of telling directions and the flower metaphor with the dandelion.

Keep up the great work

Pat Freiheit , Insurance Agent

Santa Maria, are Chris Columbus’ stories good! Her characters are very thought provoking, whether they might be peons or Queen Isabella herself. They take me to new worlds. Her stories are very easy reads, whether only a few pages long or 1492. This Nina can write. I am glad I discovered her.

John Fyle
Brooklyn Park, MN
